The Majestic Sarki Temple: A Sacred Haven in Nepal’s Humla District
In Humla District, the Sarki Temple located in the heart of Sirkigad Rural Municipality is a highly renowned temple. This temple is dedicated to the ancestral deity of the Sarki community. It is believed that if someone seeks justice after being wronged or committing a crime, they will receive fair and strict judgment upon visiting this temple. Just like the wind deity, the Sarki deity is considered a powerful god who has the ability to dominate and control other deities. The tradition of worshiping various gods and goddesses has been prevalent since ancient times, and even in this modern scientific era, the significance of these beliefs has not diminished. Being associated with the wind deity, this temple is believed to possess the ability to grant immediate responses to prayers.

The Differentiation of the Masta Gods
According to Gaborieau’s research, the differentiation of the Masta gods can be attributed to the specific locations of their main shrines. This unique characteristic suggests that Masta is a single deity whose various incarnations, found in different villages and forms, are commonly referred to as twelve brothers. However, an alternative interpretation proposes that Masta is actually a collective representation of numerous village gods, whose origins and natures have gradually merged over the years.
Interestingly, despite the limited knowledge of most Jumlis (residents of Jumla region), who can typically name only five or six Bara Bhai (major brothers), a compilation of various lists gathered from different scholars reveals the existence of 33 distinct Masta names. Furthermore, 14 of these names have been reported by multiple sources, indicating their significance and prevalence among different communities (Campbell).

The primary and most prevalent source of the Masta’s name can be traced back to the name of the village where its principal shrine is located. In nearly every instance, the name carries a semantic meaning that describes the characteristics or attributes associated with the deity.
This exploration sheds light on the fascinating phenomenon of the Masta gods, highlighting the intricate relationship between their main shrine locations, the variety of their incarnations, and the descriptive nature of their names.
Vayu : The God Of Wind

In Hinduism, there are many gods, but one stands out as the ruler of the sky. His name is Vayu, the God of Wind and the spirits of the sky. He is known for his exceptional looks and strength. Hindus worship him every day.
Vayu, the ruler of the skies, held immense importance as people believed that by worshiping him, they would receive his assistance. As the lord of “breath,” he had great influence since he was believed to control the wind. It was believed that if anyone disrespected or angered him, he could halt the breeze across the entire universe.
In ancient times, Vayu was considered one of the three main gods in Hindu beliefs. Most gods and goddesses in Hinduism represented nature, and Vayu was among the most important ones. In Hinduism, the wind symbolizes freedom, destiny, illness, and evil spirits. As the ruler of the sky, people believed that Vayu could punish them by making them sick due to the influence of evil spirits.
According to belief, Vayu accompanies Lord Vishnu and his consort, Lord Lakshmi, wherever they go. Vayu, the god of the wind, holds immense significance in sustaining life, as no living being can survive and thrive without the blessings of Lord Vayu.
Discover the Enchanting Sarki Temple
Located in the breathtaking landscapes of Nepal’s Humla District, the Sarki Temple emerges as an enchanting sanctuary, exuding spiritual bliss and cultural grandeur. Imbued with profound significance, this sacred haven has become a sought-after destination, inviting travelers to experience the divine tranquility and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of the region’s religious heritage.
The Sarki Temple, a visual marvel in its own right, stands as a testament to the architectural prowess of local artisans, whose intricate craftsmanship has endowed it with an air of majestic splendor. Adorned with resplendent carvings that narrate captivating mythological sagas and portray celestial entities, the temple’s façade captivates the senses, offering a visual feast for all who behold it.
As one ventures inside the temple’s sanctum, an atmosphere of serenity envelopes the soul, permeating the air with the gentle fragrance of sacred incense and the soft echoes of reverent prayers. Devotees and pilgrims find solace here, establishing a deep connection with the divine as they pay homage to the revered deities enshrined within.
Among the deities worshipped in the Sarki Temple, Masta reigns supreme, drawing devotees from far and wide who seek solace, healing, and spiritual guidance. Masta, celebrated as the divine protector, is venerated with unwavering devotion. The temple serves as the primary abode for Masta, attracting countless worshippers who flock to seek blessings and find solace in the presence of the deity.
Immerse yourself in the captivating ambiance of the Sarki Temple, where various shrines dedicated to different manifestations of Masta await discovery. Each shrine holds its own allure and significance, offering a profound insight into the diverse interpretations and spiritual beliefs that surround the revered deity. Such nuanced details provide an immersive understanding of the multifaceted nature of Masta worship.
Beyond its spiritual allure, the Sarki Temple also serves as a vibrant cultural hub, hosting exuberant festivals and religious ceremonies that showcase the region’s traditional music, dance, and artistic expressions. These joyous celebrations foster a sense of community and unity, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage that thrives within the temple’s premises.
Plan your visit to the Sarki Temple, nestled in Nepal’s Humla District, and embark on an enchanting journey into spirituality and cultural opulence. This timeless sanctuary stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Nepal’s religious traditions, where the past intertwines with the present, and seekers of peace and enlightenment find solace in its divine embrace.