Hacking 101: Finding Wi-Fi Password with CMD Prompt

Hacking 101: Finding Wi-Fi Password with CMD Prompt

Firstly, open the Command Prompt—don’t worry, it’s not as complex as it sounds. Simply press Windows + R, type CMD, and hit Enter. Once you’ve got the Command Prompt open, you’re ready to embark on your WiFi password retrieval journey.

Next, type ‘netsh wlan show profile’ and press Enter. This command reveals a list of stored WLAN profiles on your device. Scan through and identify the network name you’re interested in.

Now comes the real magic. Type ‘netsh wlan show profile name=”yournetworkname” key=clear,’ replacing “yournetworkname” with the actual name of your WiFi network. Press Enter, and like magic, the Command Prompt will display your WiFi profile.

Scroll down to the Security Settings field, and there it is—the golden nugget you seek—your WiFi password under ‘Key Content.’

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